
What's a good movie to watch on a rainy day?

by  |  earlier

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Nothing too scary and nothing with subtitles, please.




  1. Drop Dead Fred. Rik Mayall is classic and always brightens up my day with his comedy!

  2. under the tuscan sun. (no intented pun/joke)

  3. Tombstone!

  4. "i know who killed me", starring LiLo [lindsay lohan].

    it's not too scary, just a bit ;)

  5. Across the Universe

  6. The Exorcist!!!  (not scary at all)

    Don't worry, I'll hold you and keep you NICE and safe =)!

    ok ok. I'll be serious. The BEST rainy day movie is the movie that, that guy and girl LOVE each other, and they FINALLY meet up, and they are SOOOOO HAPPY, and they LOVE EACHOTHER, and they are cuddling on rainy nights, listening to the rain falling and talking to eachother. I forgot the name, but, Yea.. I LOVE that movie. ;)   =)!!<3!

  7. the Carry On movies

    Carry on Cleo  

  8. a walk to remember

    or gossip girl season 1

  9. hey lol... thats cool to watch movies depending on weather conditions...

    I watch movies on my own preference.... So i suggest you watch one which you will like

  10. Check out the Fountain. Good thought provoking film

  11. Singing in the rain...joking, anyway, i suggest "A dog's breakfast"!  it's a crazy comedy!!  

  12. An Affair to Remember

  13. Phantom of The Opera(2005 version). It's not gory or scary at all. Actually pretty sweet. I cry almost every time I watch it.

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