
What's a good number of cards to have in a deck, in Yu-Gi-Oh?

by  |  earlier

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I usually have 45-50 but my friend has 40 and wins more times than I do.

he says he has 22 monsters 12 spell and 6 traps




  1. 50

  2. try 20 monsters 10 trap and 10 spell so 40 all together

  3. Well, it basically depends on what type of deck you play. If your deck is the kind that can take long duels, then any number between 45 to 52 would do.

    If you play a deck that needs to draw cards quickly, for example an Exodia deck, then you should keep to the minimum of 40 cards, to ensure maximum speed. But if you really can't handle a deck with just 40 cards, the maximum for those type of decks should be 45.

    As for your friend winning more times than you do, it's actually the deck he plays, and the balance of monster, magic and traps he has, and not how many cards he has.

    Hope this helps! =D

  4. 40 cards so you can draw the cards that you need everytime

  5. 40 cards. because thats less crappy cards you will draw, so you will draw good cards you need. also make all cards parallel to your theme, this reduces dead cards you draw.

  6. 45 so u can easily get your best cards in your deck

    balance your deck with the monsters cards, magic cards, spell cards and trap card

    you must have tactics in order to win your game

    have cards that will support your monsters, counter your enemies attacks and will make sure that you will stay in the game

    use one type of deck like zombie deck or angels deck or e-hero deck

  7. Having more then 40 cards in your deck is not neccisarily(lord help my spelling) bad, but it is true that you draw your cards faster by having 40 in your deck. If you think about it, what if someone ran an exodia deck with 50 cards in it, and continuesly drew, that'd waste a lot faster then a normal 40 card deck.

    You have to find the balance in between, I personaly never run more then 43, but try to limit myself to 40 as much as possible, while also having some what of a draw speed. For instance, in your case you should most likley run 40 cards, but depending on what type of deck you have you should add in draw cards such as card of safe return or allure of darkness.

    Hope my advice helped a little!

    Good luck and happy dueling :]

  8. As few as possible while still being a legal deck. The less cards you have the better your chances of drawing the cards you need.

    And don't think your friend is winning more solely because he has less cards. To be honest, having 45 cards while he has 40 isn't going to change the battle that much.

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