
What's a good over the counter acne wash?

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i don't really want to order pro active, because it's really expensive. i'm looking for something i can buy at walmart or something.

i don't have horrible acne, but it's definately noticeable. i get large, painful bumps on my chin (the kind that don't pop), and i have blackheads around and on my nose. and sometimes i get some pimples around my hairline on my forehead.




  1. You really don't want to try Pro-Active as it uses some ingredients that are banned in some countries and can cause severe allergic reactions, even if the user doesn't know if he/she is allergic to anything.

    Try Clearasil or something. Really, they're all the same.  

  2. I have the same acne problem as you! I use oatmeal soap (aveeno) and the Neutrogena acne control kit.. It cleared it right up!


  3. I am using Acnil Soap for wash my face. As Acnil Soap reduce the oil from your skin and it makes your skin dry so then you will get less pimples on your face. It works good for me thats why i am suggesting..

    But sometimes Acne seeing on your face due to changes in hormones. on my face pimples growing because of my oily skins..

    So if you have oily skin then you should to use this soap..

  4. neutrogena is pretty good and that's what my dermatologist recommended. You should use the gentle exfoliating one which will help blackheads and pimples.

  5. You could also buy a bar of Tea Tree Soap.  This is a natural product that is antibacterial.  You can get it at any Health Food Store.  It runs about 5 dollars for a bar but it lasts quite a long time even if you use it daily.  Just keep in mind that it doesn't work instantly, it is an herbal product but works!  It will dry out your face a bit, but that is what needs to happen so that your pores aren't clogged.

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