
What's a good place to get a tattoo?

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I'ma turn 18 soon, I want a tattoo. Preferably on or at least touching my neck. Would that be wierd on a guy? I mean I'm g*y but still would it look wierd?

I don't exactly have the looks or personality for a tattoo apparently because I tell all my friends I want a tattoo and they say they can't see me with one but idc.




  1. if its what you want, get it! alot of people are surprised to find out i have as many tats as i do but it wont stop me from getting more!

  2. i got a tat when i turned 18 and i love it, it is totally worth it, my friend that worls at a  tattoo shop is g*y and he has a tramp stamp and he has a butterflyon the back of his neck it is cool.  i got my tattoo on the inside of my upper arm it is a nautical star with swirls and stars around it. i love tattoos on the shoulder blade but it depends on what your gonna get. write me and tell me what you want, some pics or something

  3. Your neck would be fine.  I see that a lot nowadays.  Just be sure it's a place you want in case a future job may have a problem with it.  All mine are in places I can hide them if I have to.

  4. if you want it get it! i think a good place for you also since you are g*y would be your hip or lower back :] lol

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