
What's a good program to track periods?

by  |  earlier

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I got my period a while ago and am terrible at tracking it's practically regulated but I don't remember my dates... what's a good source online that I could use to track when they come and go for free. Like one that lets you fill in dates and keep foot notes?





  1. I just use a calendar, in my room.

    You write down the day you started, you can also write down how long it lasts. You do the same next month. After a while you can count how many days between you cycle, and track when your next period should come.

    Good luck!

  2. How about you just write it down when you get it and when it finishes. If you can't do that you can go to and there you can put in your period info and it'll email you when your period is supposed to come. This only works though if you have a regular period and you know how long your cycle is.

  3. If you have a journal, use that... or do what my daughter does, place stars on your calendar.  


    They have a 'period tracker'

    Personally, I just use a calender. I put a pink dot every day that I have my period.

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