
What's a good routine and how to keep motivated?

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I have to lose weight and tone up. I need to lose about 20 lbs. Starting this Sunday, I need to stay motivated to go to the gym every single day, except for Saturdays. How do I keep motivated? Also, what's a good workout routine I should follow? Right now, I do 30 minutes of cardio, 60 reps on lower body weights, and 36 reps on upper body weights. Should I be doing more/less of something? I'm so confused!




  1. no of-fence but that's a really bad exercise routine u got there.

    i would do the gym 3-4 times a week.(don't kill ur self at the gym, be safe)

    u can start with weights or cardio doesn't matter.

    for every set u do of weights do at least 15reps nothing less that's the best interval.

    u don't need to go on any fancy diet look at the Chinese gymnast they only weigh about 120 pounds, so what u need to do is just work really hard and don't stop.

    try listening to some pump up music at the gym, and try to watch a few inspirational moves or videos on youtube.

    also u can work out at home too, that i find is very affetcive.

    watch these videos the are so helpfull and u can ask this kid anything.

    watch all these videos and dont forget to subscribe to him, and yu can comment on his page and he will e-mail u back.

    when working out at home do exactly as this kid says to do it helps.

  2. Hi,

    Your best bet to solve your challenges is Vince del Monte. I advice you pay a visit his blog at: He is a flourishing non steroid bodybuilder that cal help to clarifies your challenges about building muscle.

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  3. i need to start too, we sound the same, i need to lose 20lb too, even 30 better!!!!!!!!!!!

    i just brought a treadmill and only use that as with 4 kids i cant go gym

    i find the motivation to exercise easy,, i find food temptation is killing me,, i watched my intake for 10 days and did well,, but the past 2 days i pigged out and put that weight back on,,,d**n,, i need to focus, i wanna lose it so bad

    if u wanna email me on i will email u back,, we can help eachother if u like! [i cant b emailed through yahoo cos my d**n yahoo wont give me emails! grrrr]

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