
What's a good spell to ward off chaos magicians?

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What's a good spell to ward off chaos magicians?




  1. the best answer is to do some study and figure out a plan of action for yourself. This actually will help you in the long run, since it will help you along in your own workings.

    Also, maybe buying them a pizza, and a six-pack could help. Bribery should always be workable.

  2. Any protection spell will help. You might want to try a mirror spell or witches' bottle spell. (Both of which I have versions I wrote myself if you would like to email me for a copy/copies.) Most importantly, however, remember that their magick only has power if you believe it does.

  3. My evil chakra.

  4. Chaos magickians may not openly aspire to things like the part of the wiccan rede.."if it harm none, do what thou wilt..." but any that I've come across do operate with a very defined code of ethics and well aware of the consequences of using their wisdom to harm or injure another.

    An important aspect that has already been wisely pointed out involves belief. There are numerous movies out now that depict the evil entity being held off by a cross, held in an unsteady hand...and the hapless victim quickly finds out that the cross really has no effect on the evil being...simply because the entity did not believe in it as protection.

    The pentacle has more significance to me than a cross because I don't hold any special belief or significance in it. Belief that something will harm you can often lead to a self fulfilling prophecy where it does harm you. That's always because of the energy one puts out in response. If you don't believe you can be harmed by magick, you can't. But if you allow a sliver of doubt to intrude, you're setting up very different energy that makes one more susceptible to being influenced. I know, it sounds crazy...everything is energy and magick is an attempt at manipulating it to obtain a desired result. But it's only effective if you believe it is.

    Unless you're experiencing apparitions or physical pain or injury, a chaote can do you no harm. You haven't given any information here regarding why you are even asking this question...kinda like asking for a cure from a doctor but not giving him/her any information about the disease or how it is affecting you so...

    All I can do is relate a short and simple protection ritual I use in an average day. Before I leave my apartment, I always make a similar request to my protector guide..."I ask that you protect me from negative energies and entities and safe guard me from ill-will, harmful intent and injury." Normally, I also add a request to be given the privilege to spread the Light and Love of the Creator and to be able to assist even one person. At night before I sleep, I make the same request.

    This last part may sound a bit ridiclulous but demonstrating to the spirit realm that you're willing to give of yourself, in an unselfish way, and not just take, adds new energy that always attracts similar energy in other people. I've found my guides respond really well to requests I make if I include this.

    OK, that may not work for you so I'll include a couple of links to round out your With a new stirring of spiritual freedom, many are becomng more aware and attuned to entities like gods and goddesses, ascended masters. The first link below is an excellent site for learning about various female deities of protection and how to access their energy and strength. One of the energies I presently work with is Kwan Yin, who is mainly known for unconditional love of all. But there are numerous others...while you're there, you might want to check out your goddess sign and the ruling deity the day you were born. This may not be what you were looking for, but I sense this is something you need to explore.

    The second link is to a site that I occasionally use to get what I call the "foundation" of a spell...they're listed on the right side and there are literally dozens of different types of spells, if this is what you were seeking. If you think that you're being attacked magickally, there are a few that turn the spell back on the witch or mage.

    The final link is to my blog, which highlights some of the learning I've been doing towards developing my mediumship abilities...just so you know I have a reasonable amount of experience with magick, chaos magick in particular.

    Hope this helped a bit.

  5. Some cultures believe certain colors provide protection.  Try wearing red.  I find the color turquoise to be soothing.

  6. What do you mean a "good spell to ward off chaos magicians?"

    Do you know what Chaos Magick is?

    Assuming you're terribly mistaken after hearing the term "chaos".

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