
What's a good substitute for alcohol in recipes?

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For instance, if a recipe calls for bourbon what could I use in its place? or tequila? red wine? beer? etc....




  1. if it calls for bourbon and you have none, I would use whisky or brandy

  2. Use the same ingredient that is originally what the alcohol was made from. For example,

    Wine = Grape Juice

    Rum = Molasses

    Kahlua = Coffee


    Good Luck.

  3. If you are baking, the alcohol will boil out.

    For cooking, the amount of alcohol remaining isn't woth worrying over.

    There is no substitute if you have a descriminating pallate.  The alcohol actually changes the food in the cooking process.  There are artificial flavors to use for tequila.  Red wine cannot be replicated in artificial flavors.  For beer, use non alcoholic beer

  4. A spoon of apple cider vinegar and a spoon of lemon juice tenderize wonderfully(might need more depends on wat your cooking).  

    Or a can of coke(maybe not all, depends on how much your cooking) the sugars serve as a tenderizer like wine. You could try 7UP or Sprite NOT DIET they have to have the sugar...

  5. Most recipes will suggest a chicken broth replacement. Good Luck!

  6. vinegar or chicken broth.


  7. Amaretto

    Almond extract (1/2 teaspoon extract for 2 tablespoons of Amaretto) or Italian soda syrup.


    Anise Italian soda syrup or fennel.

    Apple Brandy

    Apple juice, unsweetened apple juice concentrate, apple cider, or apple butter.

    Apricot Brandy

    Syrup from a can of apricots in heavy syrup, or apricot preserves.

    Beer or Ale

    A strong chicken, beef or mushroom broth, or non-alcoholic beer.

    Beer or Ale (Light)

    Chicken broth, white grape juice or ginger ale.


    1 1/2 to 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract.


    1/2 to 1 teaspoon of brandy or rum extract for 2 tablespoons of Brandy. When liquid amount is critical to the recipe, use water or fruit juices corresponding to flavor of brandy (use same amount of liquid as the recipe calls for brandy),


    Apple juice, unsweetened apple juice concentrate, apple cider, or apple butter.


    Raspberry juice, syrup or extract.


    Ginger ale, sparkling apple cider, sparkling cranberry juice, or sparkling white grape juice.

    Cherry Liqueur or Cherry Brandy

    Syrup from a can of cherries in heavy syrup, or cherry Italian soda Syria or cherry preserves.


    non-alcoholic wine, diluted grape juice or cherry cider syrup.

    Coffee Liqueur

    To replace 2 tablespoons of liqueur, use 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of chocolate extract mixed with 1 teaspoon of instant coffee, which has been mixed in 2 tablespoons of water. Can also substitute expresso, non-alcoholic coffee extract or coffee syrup.


    Apricot, peach or pear juice.


    To replace 2 tablespoons of liqueur, use 2 tablespoons of orange juice concentrate or 2 tablespoons of orange juice with 1/2 teaspoon of orange extract.

    Crème de cacao

    Powdered white chocolate combined with water, or non-alcoholic vanilla extract and powdered sugar.

    Crème de cassis

    Black currant Italian soda syrup or black currant jam.

    Crème de menthe

    non-alcoholic mint extract, mint Italian soda syrup, spearmint extract, or spearmint oil with a little water added. If green color is needed, add a drop of green food coloring.


    To replace 2 tablespoons of liqueur, use 2 tablespoons of orange juice concentrate or 2 tablespoons of orange juice with 1/2 teaspoon of orange extract.


    Raspberry juice or raspberry syrup.


    Hazelnut or almond extract.


    Licorice extract.


    White grape juice combined with lemon juice.

    Grand Marnier

    To replace 2 tablespoons of liqueur, use 2 tablespoons of orange juice concentrate or 2 tablespoons of orange juice with 1/2 teaspoon of orange extract.


    Grape juice.


    non-alcoholic grenadine or pomegranate syrup.

    Hard Cider

    Apple juice or apple cider.


    Cherry cider or black cherry, raspberry, boysenberry, currant, or grape juice or syrup. Substitute same amount of liquid as called for in the recipe.

    Licorice or Anise Liqueur

    Anise Italian soda syrup or fennel.


    White grape juice combined with lemon juice or lemon zest.


    White grape juice combined with powdered sugar.


    Anise Italian soda syrup or fennel.

    Orange Liqueur

    Orange juice concentrate, orange juice, orange zest or orange marmalade.

    Peach Brandy

    Syrup from a can of peaches in heavy syrup, or peach preserves.

    Peppermint Schnapps

    non-alcoholic mint or peppermint extract, mint Italian soda syrup, or mint leaves.


    Concord grape juice with some lime zest added, cranberry juice with some lemon juice added, or grape juice concentrate. Substitute orange juice or apple juice for lighter ports.

    Red Burgundy

    Red wine vinegar, grape juice or non-alcoholic wine.

    Red Wine, sweet or dry

    non-alcoholic wine with a tablespoon of vinegar added to cut the sweetness, grape juice, cranberry juice, grape jelly, tomato juice, beef broth, liquid drained from vegetables, or water. Use equal amounts of liquid as called for in the recipe.


    White grape juice with a pinch of powdered sugar added.


    White grape juice, pineapple juice, or apple juice in equal liquid amounts as called for in the recipe. Can also use these juices with 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of non-alcoholic rum, almond or vanilla extract added.


    Rice vinegar.


    Anise Italian soda syrup or fennel.


    To replace 2 tablespoons of schnapps, add 1 teaspoon of a corresponding flavored extract.


    Apple juice, orange juice, pineapple juice, or non-alcoholic vanilla extract.

    Southern Comfort

    Peach flavored nectar combined with a small amount of cider vinegar.

    Sparkling Wine

    Ginger ale, sparkling apple cider, sparkling cranberry juice, or sparkling white grape juice.


    Cactus juice or nectar.

    Triple Sec

    Orange juice concentrate, orange juice, orange zest or orange marmalade.

    Vermouth, Dry

    White grape juice, white wine vinegar, or non-alcoholic white wine.

    Vermouth, Sweet

  8. It really depends on the recipe.  If you're making a dessert, you can usually just omit the item.  If you want to use something that's similar, you can use apple cider, apple juice, apple sauce, etc.  Apples make the dough of the dessert moist and can really take on any flavor that you add to them without making the dish taste like apples

    If they call for beer, you can always get non-alcoholic beer if you are looking for the flavor.  Otherwise, in any savory dish (not a dessert), you can use your favorite variety of stock.  If they call for Red Wine, I would use beef stock because it has a more bold flavor.  If it's white wine, I would use chicken or vegetable stock, because they are milder.

    I hope this helps!

  9. beef broth

    chicken broth


    apple juice

    vegetable broth

    red wine vinegar with added sugar for flavor (in sweet recipes)

    white wine vinegar with added sugar for flavor (in sweet recipes)

    bourbon extract (use less)

    rum extract (use less than the recipe calls for)

    ginger ale

    It depends on what the recipe is for, sweet or savory.

  10. Apple Cider. :]

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