
What's a good tick prescription for a rabbit?

by  |  earlier

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I don't think garlic would do any good.

and i am not sure if dog treatments are close to being right for a rabbit.

any suggestions? I don't want to have to pick ticks off my rabbit all the time




  1. There are many CAT flea and tick treatments avaliable on the market that would be suitable for your rabbit. Things like frontline, advantix. You can purchase them at your local vet which is great because they will be able to give you advice on what brand to choose for your rabbit (some can be deadly for rabbits, so you want to use one thats safe) to keep ticks at bay you will need to apply the paste once a fortnight, and how much you need will depend on the weight of your rabbit- so its a good idea if you can take him into your vets to be weighed at the same time.

  2. Just a question, where is your rabbit getting ticks from exactly?

    Is she in a hutch or is it running around?

  3. keep it away from were it got the ticks and you need to warm a needle and stick it in the tick to get it off and take of the head to kill it but if the head gets stuck in the bunny it can get very sick..

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