
What's a good type of fruit/vegetable to grow inside?

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I currently live in an apartment, and as you know, summer can get boring and repetitive, due to work, and just going on the computer. Well, I know I dont eat enough fruits and vegetables, and with the whole grocery store food being tainted (every week, you hear about a tainted food basically), well not all, but it leaves me thinking "what if..." and all that. I dont like buying store bought stuff that much as well, because let's face it, who knows where that food has been and what has touched it. Anyhow, what are some foods that grow great indoors or on a balcony?




  1. grow some herbs

  2. Dwarf lemons, oranges, tangerines.  Vegetables:  just about anything you can think of providing your balcony is big enough.  You might want to find out how much weight your balcony will support before you do any heavy duty planting.

  3. Tomatoes, peas and beans crawling on vines could add a nice touch to a balcony, and both are prolific producers.

    You would need a sunny location for your balcony plants.  I can't think of a fruit or vegetable that doesn't require a lot of sunlight.

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