
What's a good way of "coming out" without actually "coming out"?

by  |  earlier

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well, see, I really extremely like girls, I'm 333% L*****n, but I'm terribly shy. I want to put myself out there because I'm in desperate need of a GF b4 I start making out with my pillow. Whats a good way to show im an available lez without having the rumors spread around my highskool campus?




  1. Look for something going on outside of school. There may be a g*y center that has programs for g*y teens.  You may meet someone that way.

  2. LOL isnt that like saying whats the best way to get drunk with out getting drunk

    I am sure some schools and community groups cater for g*y and lesbain teens in your area

    google it

  3. Once in a while just praise those girls passer-by and say how beautiful they are. If they ask then you can just say you praise them because you wish to have their attributes and you envy it very much.

  4. Lmao  We wouldn't want you making out with your pillow would we?

    FLIRT like crazy girl!

    You know muck around with them. They'll eventually get the hint. If anyone asks just tell them your just having a bit of fun, no big deal.


  5. well a lot of high school girls (im in hs) are "bi" so maybe you should try to meet them.  Once you tell one person in HS, your screwed.  no going back

  6. whats all the hub~bub about coming out? geez. i never understood why ppl gotta put the spot light on themselves. just flirt with a girl and you will find your way. no sense in broadcasting it to everyone. d**n im glad im not in hs anymore....

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