
What's a good way to ask or a ride to work?

by  |  earlier

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It seems like getting a ride is such a big deal these days. My Dad told me that back in the sixties it was never a big deal to get a ride, especially in town. Personally it seems like a huge issue nowadays. It's probably going to rain this evening, and my roommate is too busy to take me home after work. It's only three miles from my home. Bus service ends at 9, and that's when my shift's over. I have fenders on my bike, but I'm just not a kid anymore. I hate riding my bike in the dark, in a rainstorm. Who should I ask, and what should I say? I could take a taxi, but that's another $10.. More than an hour's wages.




  1. Maybe your roommate is feeling used. With the price of fuel so high why dont you offer to help pay the gas bill, or if that will not work try asking a coworker to start picking you up. The main thing will be your willingness to help the other person pay for some of their fuel. You dont have to offer to pay for the entire tank but at least make an offer of $10.00 a week to help cover expenses.

  2. Do you have a co-worker who might be willing to give you a ride on a regular basis for maybe 10 dollars a week? I'm sure price would be negotiable.

  3. how about  "can I have a ride to work?"

  4. think about who lives near you - or farther than where you do thats on the way home- ask to be dropped off near your house or at your house ( ask both theyll most likely take you all the way ) if you have two dollars tell them hay i only have two bucks for gas is that cool ? i would even ask people im not really friendly with but havent had any problems with ( you may make a new friend )

    to some people it is crazy these days the way they act about a ride - if you were working with me i would take you as far as i could and let you out - im just like you as far as the bike goes - i would rather walk - but its dangerous in the rain because so many cars can hydroplane -

    also consider checking up with someone whose shift is the same as yours if your that close to the job they may not mind doing it everyday for a small fee of say 10 for the week

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