
What's a good way to completely clear the pipe in my condo wall used for laundry rinse water?

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I'm trying to figure out how to clear whatever might be slowing the rinse water from flushing into the pipe in the wall. I'm in a condo and my laundry machine's rubber rinse hose goes into a pipe in the wall (it's not sealed). During the rinse cycle, there's more water that exits the hose than the capacity of the drain pipe through the wall that the water comes up onto the floor. I can shut the machine off every 3 seconds to slow the flow, but this seems like a really tedious way to do laundry. What's a good way to clear the pipe of whatever might be clogging it?




  1. Sometimes I have found that if the drain hose goes to far into the drain pipe it doesn't draw enough air to allow the water to flow. Try pulling the drain hose up within about 2 inches of its end. If this works tie it to the water supply lines so it can't come out or slide back in.

    If this doesn't solve your problem then the drain is about stopped up.


  2. buy a drian snake at home depot or lowes and snake it out

  3. on condo's or apartments a drain line sometimes is shared by 2 or units so one of the units is gulty of clogging up the darin espacially if the laundry drain has any lint from the washer the best thing to do is calling a plummer he has to use his elecrtic snake to push out what ever is in your drain

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