
What's a good way to fundraise money?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my team need to raise some money for Relay for Life, an event for raising money for cancer. you have any ideas for raising the money? Events? Something...we just need an idea.

Thanks! = ) ****************************************...




  1. sell your soul!

  2. I just did the marathon and did lots of charity events, the ones that work the best are:

    1. cocktail party, I invited my neighbors, and friends, and some people donated some booze, choose 4-5 cocktails and have  a night in where everyone enjoy themselves.

    2. ask your friends to host a dinner party for you and charge the people, most of the people are happy to pay instead of going to a restaurant, specially if it is for a good cause.

  3. Become a lady of the night.  Whores tend to make some pretty good loot and you get to do crack too!!!!  How awesome is that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?

  4. My group is also raising money for Relay for Life.  I have also been a part of some other fundraisers.  Some good; some not so much.  I am going to list successful options for you:  

    Sell a bag of suckers at 25 cents or candybars for $1.  

    Set out a jar around local buisnesses (get there OK first) for customers to donate loose change.

    Each member get $25 worth of pledges from family members.

    Have a bake sale at school, place of worship, library +

    At the event, hold a dance off or sack race or three legged race; you can sell luminaries or other items (see what other teams are doing).

    Good luck!!  I hope this helps

  5. well u guys can have bake sales, car washes (dont know where u are but pretty much everywhere the weather is gettin nicer) u can have a carnival with donations from local business or u can even just take those donations towards the actual fund raiser. altho the carnival can make more money. charity dinners or charity auctions can work as well. good luck!

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