
What's a good way to keep an only child...?

by Guest60982  |  earlier

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i have a 6 year old daughter and she is the only child. What are some ways i can do to keep her from feeling lonely? I do what i can to keep her entertained but you know, it's not the same as if it would be if she were to have a brother or sister. We aren't looking to have any other kids yet because we are not financially stable for yet another one. Can someone please give me some ideas to what i can do to help her have fun and be happy??




  1. Some kids like being an only child and don't like to share the attention so she may be just fine.  My stepaunt only has 1 daughter, she is 10 years old now and her mom doesn't want anymore and she is ok with that.  She plays with kids at school, has friends and cousins and she is ok with that because she doesn't have to share toys at home or share the attention and she has her own bedroom.  It seems like the older a child is the more they adjust to being the only child and the harder it is on them when the next child is born.

  2. A lot of the times kids that don't have siblings are much happier without them, so I think you're fine with just one kid. Maybe you should get a family pet, or find some kids around your neighborhood that she could be friends with. Or you could even spend time with her yourself! But I think your best option would be to get a family dog or cat or turtle or something that she could take care of.

  3. i have a daughter but i also have an older son but hes never really around, he lives with his mother, anyways me and her take walks, play dress-up, play on the trampoline, and listen/watch hannah montana

  4. I'm an only child! I got over the fact at age 10 that my mom probably wouldnt have any other kids,haha. Take her to the park,join a playgroup with other moms,go to the zoo,just have her make some friends. Personally i love being an only child.

  5. i was an only child and nintendo was my best friend at that age, at about 8 i moved on to the internet....  I also was overweight til I was 19 and started losing weight though,

  6. I think that an activity might help her like sports, clubs, or dance. Wherever her interests are. At six years old she is a good age to start almost anything.

    If dance then try a jazz or free style class that meets at least once a week. Not ballet because the focus will be on learning the steps not being social. Many local dance studios will let you watch a class to see if it's right for your child and have summer programs.

    For sports a soccer team or softball team could be lots of fun. Just make sure you find a team that is relaxed (no crazy coaches) and the parents are friendly. That is a good sign the kids will be too.

    Summer swimming lessons could help her be social and make friends. Or a daytime summer camp.

    Also remember that alone time is important. Read books to her and do special things with her like going to a park together just to play.

    Maybe even a small pet like a hamster would be fun. But make sure you are the ready for the responsibly of a pet. Even if it is "your daughter's hamster" you will still be they main caregiver. No big pets like a new dog or cat b/c that is like having another child.

    The fact that you're thinking about this at all shows you care. Therefore I think your kid is going to be fine. No worries.

  7. She doesn't know what she's missing-- don't worry-- she'll be fine!

  8. Get her involved in playdates.  Have her invite a friend over from school a few times a week.

  9. Make sure she goes outside often, if theres neighbors around.  Maybe get pet?  Even a hamster or a small furry friend like that can be a child's best friend.

  10. Allow her to have friends over to play. Pets are always good companions. Do family activities like biking and swimming.

    But kids do need to learn to play alone too. Also reading is a good activity for down time. She may not be there yet but you can help her for now.

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