
What's a good way to learn how to use Linux?

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So I've downloaded Ubuntu, and I'm really looking forward to install it and start using.

Problem is, I have no idea how to use Linux! I have some programming experience, but not too much to just start configuring Linux without problem.

Can anybody suggest a good way to learn how to use Linux? Suggestions for good websites and books would be greatly appreciated (I do prefer websites, since they are free!).

Any other suggestions would be appreciated also.

Thank you!





  2. Here are some web tutorials I found on the basics of working with Linux.

    Also, if you're looking for a book on it, the ever-popular In Easy Steps series has one called Linux In Easy Steps for £10.99 (approx $20.90), which you can find out about here:

  3. The best way to learn linux is to install it and use it. That easy! Well what I originally did was install it on an older computer. At the time I was using Red Hat and it was an easy distro to use. I have not used Ubuntu but alot of ppl are using it. Linux has come along way with being more user friendly. Pretty much you will be up and running in no time, and you should be able to do most anything you can with windows. I have read a few linux books and been through classes, but the ones I used mainly pertained to the shell (command prompt/line). Linux in a nutshell books are fairly decent. It is always helpful if you have a friend who is a linux junkie also. Linux is nowhere near as hard for new users as it used to be. Good luck.  

  4. Okay, the best way to use Linux, if you want to install it on a computer with another operating system on it, then you can download "Virtual Box", which makes it relatively easy to install and run. Here is the link. Just select the platform that you are installing it on then go from there.

    Linux is a nice operating system and I recommend to learn as you use it, just remember that you can't break a computer, unless you want to.

    BTW: Here is the manual you might need to instal Linux

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