
What's a good way to protest valentines day? Don't say watch horror flicks.?

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What's a good way to protest valentines day? Don't say watch horror flicks.?




  1. Valentines day is about celebrating love.

    If you dont wanf to celebrate it, dont protest it, rather go out and celebrate being single. Go out for a good lads night out with your single friends. That way everybody wins without offending anyone else.

  2. p**p in a chocolate heart box and give it to someone you dislike.

  3. Place a sign in your front-yard, and have a heart with a sword drawn through it with blood dripping off the end of the sword, with the saying, "THIS IS WHAT MY LAST VALENTINE GOT ME", Or something to that effect. I hate the d**n day myself. Love-Shmove! Celebrating a holiday of "Lovey-Dovey" is the furthest thing from "Reality" someones mind can get! It's BULL is what it is! My last so-called "Valentine" Ran-off with one of my brothers. Some Love Huh? I would go out and rent a million-hookers before I ever again told a woman I-Love-You, It ain't never happening again. forget marriage, which is nothing but a "Certified-Joke" and everything that comes with it. I can spend $20 buck's down in the Ville, and get a girl to tell me all night long "I Love You! It's a helluva lot cheaper than having to pay for a long-term love just to get the shaft in the end. That's what I say anyways.

  4. Instead of waisting your time protesting, just don't acknowledge it.  It is just another day.

  5. and why would you protest it? who would listen anyway? Pick your battles. There are a few more important issues that could be protested.

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