
What's a good way to start an autobiographical essay?

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I need to write an autobiographical essay for a high school English class and I don't want to start with "Hi, my name is______. I am ____ years old blahdy blahdy blah"


But i don't know how else to start it... PLEASE HELP!




  1. When did you decide to write?

    How did the thought occur to you/

    Where did you decide?

    What was the biggest accomplishment by you that made you special

    Why was it the most unique concept.

    Under each answer make a part with five new questions in any order.

    Go for words such as mission, vision, need.

    I think you can elaborate.

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    Organize yourself by planning, research, organization.

    Vision that is unique needs to be created.

    Emphasize the leadership quality you are endowed with.

    Youthful aspirations and how you will get there.

    Organize your thoughts and pencil it.

    Unrealistic ideas and dreams may also be a part of the composition.

  2. Well you could be like "When I was in the third grade, I did________ and it earned me the nickname _________, but my real name is _____." or something like that. I think that would be pretty good, ya know?

  3. Start with the family story about you--usually there is one about your name or naming or circumstances around your birth.  Then your first memories: How you were seen and how you see.  Sometimes we accept how our families want us to be and sometimes we don't.  

  4. "On the (insert date here) of (insert month here), 19(insert rest of year here), I, (insert name here) was born in (insert location here).

    Then you could look online for events that happened on your birthday, and find out what the weather was like, and make a very nice first paragraph full of brilliant waffle.

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