
What's a good way to start the harmonica?

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Hey-o, I've had a sudden urge to re-pick up a musical instrument. I played the piano for about 5 years, and the trumpet for about 4, and I haven't played anything for about 3 years. The thing is, I have no idea where to start, what brand to buy, or anything of the sort. Can anyone tell me where to buy one, (preferably online), and why to buy it? Also, is there books on learning it, or online lessons, or should I find someone to teach me in my town? Money isn't much of an issue, I've picked up my first summer job, (currently 17-years-old), but please keep in mind the 17-year-old budget. Thanks for any answers!




  1. I too enjoy learning a new instrument.  I learned violin and flute at school. Taught myself a bit of keyboard, guitar and clarinet. Now I mostly play my penny whistles and mandolin.  I really want a xaphoon but can't afford to get one at the mo'.

    My grandad had a harmonium, a zither, a mandolin and some harmonicas.  

    I inherited the harmonicas, one of which is chromatic.  Chomatic means you can play it in any key because of a little push button on one end.  I do not recomend the chromatic, I think it is a bit gimmicky for anyone except for pro's.

    I found it easy to pick out little tunes, with some help from my grandad.  I love having them but never got any where with them.

    You can get very cheap ones with instruction books untill you are ready to invest in the harmonica of your dreams!

    I recomend looking on youtube and searching harmonica.  there are sometimes tutorials and you can usuall ask questions off the people who posted themselves playing.

    Also try Ebay to get a feel for what is available and the prices.

    If it doesn't work out with the harmonica, I would like to strongly recomend the pennywhistle.  xx

    Enjoy  :O)

  2. get the cheapest one you can find to start off with. Then practice until you outgrow the harmonica.

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