
What's a good website to learn about the different types of guns?

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I'm wanting to get a pistol for protection due to robberies in my neighborhood. I will admit I have little experience with guns besides the small 410. rifle I used a s a kid. I would like to find info on the different types of pistols and where to buy them. I just want to go about this responsibly.




  1. First, find out what the laws are where you live. In a few places, you can't own a handgun (or they're severely restricted), and these places tend to be in city areas (ironically places with the most crime; go figure.) The NRA website has a great, non-technical breakdown of what the current gun laws are for each state and province.

    Second, I suggest wikipedia for gun info. It won't tell you everything, but it can help a lot. For plain old gun terms, you can visit a site like

    Should cover a lot of the basics.

    Thirdly, and this is going to necessarily be long, when it comes to guns, assuming that you wish to be law abiding and that you are eligible to buy a handgun, there are a lot of considerations. Fortunately, you already figured out the first: what you mostly want the gun for: self-defense. But now you need to consider other questions. Do you plan to shoot a lot or no? Do you want something that's easy to control when you fire it or does it not matter? Do you just want something that looks intimidating? Do you want to carry the gun on you in person or no? What's your financial status?

    These are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself. I can't help you answer those, but I can give you my own preferences as a gun owner and shooter. Just understand that my preferences might conflict with yours, just like anyone who gives you gun advice.

    For self defense, generally you want something that's at least a 9mm (at least if you're worried about ever having to shoot it at a criminal, which I will assume.) 9mm has adequate, though not great, stopping power from what the "experts" say. However, even a 9mm is a decent caliber size, especially if you're inexperienced with handguns. Anything larger caliber than that will be harder to control and, frankly, probably more discouraging if you try to shoot it much. Thus, for someone like you, I'd guess that you'd probably be best off with some type of 9mm unless you just want a gun for the intimidation factor, then higher caliber would be ok (.40, .44, .45, etc.)

    I'll assume that you want to shoot a fair amount. Ok, now you've got caliber: now you need to decide whether you want a revolver or a semi-automatic. Each type has its pros and cons (wikipedia is good for this), and I won't go into it much except to say that a revolver is probably a better choice if you don't plan to shoot much and/or are fairly indifferent to guns. Personally, I prefer semi-automatics, but that's just me. Then you should ask yourself "How much do I care about concealability?" If the answer is "a lot," you're probably better off with a smaller gun, one that has a smaller barrel length, etc. If the answer is "not very much," then you should probably pick something standard sized, something with a 4 inch barrel or thereabouts. I personally ignore concealability when choosing guns because I'm not a cop, I live in a low crime area, I'm not a woman who has to worry about sexual assualt or something similar, and I don't otherwise have reason to believe that I should expect to have lots of hostile encounters. Therefore, concealability is pointless for me to consider. But again, that's just me and my own preference. Your situation may be different. As for the last variable, price, I'd suggest not spending a lot of money on your first gun, but that's your call. You can get a decent handgun for between $400 and $600.

    As for suggestions on makes and models, I can give you some, but I'm going to suggest them under the following assumptions:

    1.) Concealability DOESN'T matter to you

    2.) You'd be interested in buying a semi-automatic

    3.) You're ok with buying polymer-framed guns (polymer frames are lightweight, scratch resistant, and the exterior almost never needs to be cleaned. However, their weight is distributed unevenly compared to non-polymer frames, so their balance is different.)

    My suggestions (all 9mm) are:

    1.) Springfield XD9

    2.) Glock 19

    3.) Smith and Wesson M and P (9mm)

    4.) Steyr M9 A1

    These are all within the $400-$600 range.

    If you want more choices, this site can help:

    Make sure that whatever gun you decide on fits comfortably in your hand. Just because some gun whiz says a gun is good doesn't mean it'll be good for you. A lot of what makes a gun good or bad depends on how you use it.

    My last bit of advice is to read a lot of gun reviews and opinions. See what most people are into, given your preferences (for concealability, gun finish, etc.) Do you notice a lot of people saying good things about one particular brand? Or are you hearing more bad than good?

    Anyway, if you had the patience to read through all that, thanks for reading and I hoped this helped.

  2. Doozer, there are several manufacture websites that can show you the different make and model of pistols they offer. Ruger, Smith & Wesson, Colt, ect. As an ex rangemaster and firearms instructor I would reccommend the following.  First find a local range that has weapons for sale and will let you try out their range rentals. A good salesman will listen to your concerns and questions and help you to pick a type you are comfortable with. Second is to think about the area you live in, apartment with thin walls, mobile home, brick home close to neighbors, ect. The last thing you want to do is send a round into your kids room or neighbors shower. Third is once you make your selection you'll need to practice. I lose count of the number of people I have worked with who couldn't hit a target. Even the local police I work with now are mediocore shots because they won't practice.  And finally speak with some friends or coworkers that shoot or hunt and get their input. That you want to go about this responsibly I find admirable. Take the time to get all the questions you have answered, make a decision you are comfortable with, and remember your not buying a toy but a tool.


    NRA Refuse to Be A Victim webpage

    NRA Firearm Safety Training webpage webpage devoted to finding local firearm dealers

    Internet Shooting Directory of Firearm Manufacturers

    Google search for "Firearms"

    A wealth of information about AR-15 rifles, other rifles, equipment and accessories is available at...

    While the best protection is to not be in a situation where you need to have "protection", the next best thing is to have the training, equipment and support network (people who will help you) to sucessfully get out of a bad situation.

    Also, I feel the following books are worth reading (by men and women):

    "Self-Defense - Steps to Survival" by Katy L. Mattingly

    "In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection" by Massad F. Ayoob

    "Armed & Female" by Paxton Quigley

  4. gentlewolf gave a lot of good informational sights

    now, one of the best firearms for home defense isn't a handgun but a shotgun.  Of course you want a 12 gauge or a 20 gauge, not a 410.

    If you want a good website where you can just browse and see what is all out there available for purchase, check out

  5. My advise is don't! Try getting a dog. Use safe pratices. Learn self defense. Move.  But a gun is a bigger responsibility them most people will take the time to  do right.

    Check out pepper spray and finally I would give the punk a few bucks rather that kill him. You don't just wound people.

    Just my opinion. And by the way I legally carry.

  6. i dont know of any websites but I'm pretty sure u could find a good book or magazine.

    for a pistol I'd suggest a Springfield XD, SIG arms, or a Glock (if u dont care about its lack of a safety ).

    For caliber im a .40 SW fan; .45 ACP and 9mm are great too but it's a personal preference.

    Springfiled XD website

    Sig arms  website

    Glock website

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