
What's a good work out routine for someone who's trying to build muscle and shape?

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I'm 20 years of age, 5'7 and 145lbs, and I'm looking for a good routine. How many days per week? How long for cardio per day, and at what speed and incline?

Also, what would be a good circuit lifting routine?




  1. depends how much u eat. i have a good routine for myself - gym every day with 40 min of cardio+weight lifting. if i am very exhausted after work i do 20 min of cardio and 70 min of weight lifting 2 parts of body  on the same day 3 exercises per part and 4 sets each. i do abs in between each set. it is pretty intense thou - i do it all absolutely without rest. but i eat whatever i want and i have perfect body. if u can manage a diet u may do less intense work out. but i am intense so i like intense stuff

  2. If building muscle is your main goal, cardio shouldn't be your main priority.  You should do some cardio, maybe 30 minutes three times a week, for general health, but it's not going to help you put on muscle.  For that, you need weights.  Preferably barbells.

    The best sources I know of for beginning weight routines are Rippetoe and Kilgore's book Starting Strength and Krista Scott-Dixon's website.  If you're male, and you want to use one of Krista's beginner routines, do 10-12 rep sets instead of 12-15.

  3. you must have 8-10 hrs. sleep a day, balance diet, at least 4-5 times work-out a week.

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