
What's a great inspirational quote I can get tattooed?

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Ok, so I was thinking of getting an inspirational quote tattooed somewhere I can see it every day. I'm just getting over a big depression and would like to get something that inspires me to sort of "keep going" and trying my best at this strange thing called life. Please suggest something smart, different, original, or simply something that you'd like to remember forever.

Thank you!!




  1. i have "Do not walk carefuly through life only to arrive safely at death"

    kinda a motto i try to live my life to!

  2. It's not original, but Lacey Mosley said, "If you're waking up living for something you won't die for, why are you living for it?"  

  3. l"ove is what i really need to know my name"

  4. I am not sure what would be good for you, but I have one that is important to me.

    There is nothing in all the world greater than freedom. It is worth paying for; it is worth going to jail for. I would rather die in abject poverty with my convictions than live in inordinate riches with the lack of self-respect. Martin Luther King Jr.

    I think you have a good idea, and if I ever tattooed something on myself it would have to be something important like that. Maybe you should do something inspirational that relates to your religion? Many religions have quotes you could always find beautiful and uplifting.

    other suggestions:

    Trials give you strength, sorrows give understanding and wisdom.

          - Chuck T. Falcon

    Hope is grief’s best music.

          - Anonymous

    Try this site:

    Goodluck, I know you will find the right one.

  5. aim for the moon and at the very least you'll land among the stars

    if you fall 7 times, be sure to stand up 8

    forget the risk, take the fall. if it's what you want, it's worth it all.

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