
What's a home remedy to getting rid of black circles under your eyes?

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How can I get rid of black circles out from under my eyes?




  1. cucumber slices

  2. Dark circles can treated with regular and gentle care.Cover your eyes with cotton soaked in warm milk for 15 minutes everyday to remove the dark circles around your eyes or dip cotton pads into freshly extracted mint juice, flatten them and place them on closed eyelids for 10 to 15 minutes. Check out for more info.

  3. Remedies For Dark Circles

    • An instant dark circles remedy is to use the correct concealer. The shade should be lighter than your foundation. If circles are very dark, choose 2 shades lighter. Great choices can be Revlon New Complexion Concealer, Estee Lauder Smoothing Skin Concealer, Cover Girl Smoothers Concealer, or Neutrogena Smoothing Skin Stick.

    • Apply a good Vitamin K cream. Vita-K Solution gel or Peter Thomas Roth Power K Eye Rescue help strengthen capillary walls around the dark circles to make them less visible.

    • One should go for laser treatment only if the case is chronic. Lasers can increase production of collagen thereby thickening skin to make dark circles less visible.

    • Home remedies for dark circles can include the following:

    1. Drink plenty of water to combat dehydration.

    2. Wear at least SPF 30 sunscreen to prevent more sun damage.

    3. Get enough sleep.

    4. Leave cold teabags, cucumber or potato slices, or washcloths with ice cubes on eyes for 15 minutes regularly.

    5. Take iron supplements if anemic, but consult your doctor first.

    6. Identify the allergens and avoid them. Whether it be pollen, food, whatever, avoidance is the best solution to this. And avoid rubbing your eyes.

    • Hylexin is the first dark circles eye cream developed for serious dark circles. Featured in several magazines such as Marie Claire, FashionWeekDaily, The Wall Street Journal , Star and Luck.

    • One of the greatest remedies for dark circles is Arbonne's NutriMinC® RE9 Repair. It’s a corrective puffiness and dark circles eye cream that does additional benefits – firming, moisturizing and repairing the delicate tissue around the eye.

  4. Sleep sometimes just stress and and lack of sleep causes that  

  5. Starting from 25 years, every woman should remember about everyday care of the most sensitive part of skin on

    face. Care includes cleaning, toning and nutrition - same things you do with face. However, eye cosmetics

    differ from face cosmetics. Eye cosmetic has more delicate texture and sparing effect....

  6. i think cucumbers do that

  7. make up

    answer this;...

  8. pl check this

  9. put a spoon in the freezer for a couple minutes and then put it up to your eye for 30 seconds.

    also get concealer

  10. Did you know...  there are no such thing as black circles under your eyes?  True.  What is happening is actually the opposite.  When you are tired, low on iron, vitamin b12, b6 and/or vitamin k it starts to show in the skin around your eyes because of the ph balance of the facial and scalp skin.

    The skin around your eyes is actually normal in color and the surrounding skin has grown pale (the "eye drain").

    Another cause is waking up.  As you sleep gravity pulls fluid under your eyes and the resulting bulge causes a shadow to appear as darker skin.

    If you have congestion problems this can cause swelling in that area as well.

    more info and treatments in sources.  

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