
What's a horse?

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  1. anything over 14.2 h.h.- under is a pony.

  2. The stuff that dreams are made of.

    (Apologies to the writer of "The Maltese Falcon.")

  3. A large, solid-hoofed, herbivorous quadruped, "Equus caballus", domesticated since prehistoric times, bred in a number of varieties, and used for carrying or pulling loads, for riding, and for racing.

    Horses are just amazing creatures, I'm surprised you've never heard of them or see any.  If you would like to see photos, be sure to drop by my photography account.  I'm and equine artist and photographer.

  4. A four legged animal with a mane and tail that eats grass and likes to run!

  5. a 4 legged shiny animal with big, loving eyes and a long shimmery mane and tail that makes your heart flutter and stop upon sight or contact.

  6. a horse is a horse of course, of course
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