
What's a meaningful and legitimate way for a person from the suburbs to help the homeless in the winter?

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I live an hour away from a big city (so I can't just head over every evening), I don't make a ton of money myself, and the poor/needy people don't really live around my area. There are a few food pantries nearby, but this is in the north and it is VERY COLD right now. Any bright ideas? What can an average-to-below-average income person do for homeless people in the area?

I just thank God I've got a place to live in weather like this. Yesterday it was 21 below zero all day.




  1. Give them warm jackets or blankets, tents are a good thing too. If you can, give them a hot meal. Just about anything will help. Bless you for caring.

  2. I would set up a used clothing/blanket/boots and shoes drive in your area. Collect as much as you can. Then when you are able to drive to the city, pass them out to the needy.

    I think it would be good to pass out matches or lighters too. So they have something to use to make fires to keep warm.

  3. Go to your/a  church in your area & ask if they will help you with starting some event to benefit  the homeless.  First, call several shelters etc. & ask if they are accepting donations.  Also try places like the Salvation Army, etc.  See if they need anything in the local shelters & you could raise $ for the item.

    Do a bake sale; collect clothing in good condition; have a thrift sale;etc.  Call up Nike , local dept. stores, sports stores, & places like that (if you are affiliated with a church )etc. & see if they will donate scarves, hats, gloves, etc.

    Your time & heart are invaluable.

  4. gvie them soup and vadnwsiches!!! YOUR NIEC!!!!!

  5. I advise them to avoid buying stocks right now with all the Market problems. They could lose it all.......

  6. You can donate your time to the homeless shelter by working the chow line.  They're always looking for volunteers.  It's great you want to try to help.  Good luck!

  7. There are agencies that can do this work effectively, so find a way to support them if you like.

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