
What's a mega healthy food?

by Guest33632  |  earlier

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lol i ate really unhealthy today and i know it wont make up for my unhealthy-ness but i should atleast make the effort to eat a healthy dinner...

something that I would probably have in the house, please :]




  1. 1). A meal consisting of of meat or fish,

    1 or 2 complex carbohydrate (eg. yam, potatoes, pumpkin etc)

    a mixture of raw vegetables, (eg. lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, broccoli, yellow or red sweet pepper, shredded carrots)

    varied mixture of steam vegetables (eg a leafy vegetable and/or string beans, or a vegetable salad)

    If you'd like to add drink - preferably home made fruit or vegetable juice.

    2). Another is a mixture of different fruits with nuts and seeds

    3). Another is a mixture of vegetables with nuts, seeds, and cheese.

  2. a green vegatable and a lean protein like chicken breast. baked not fried. without skin.  

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