
What's a middleman and how does PayPal work?

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I'm thinking of selling some virtual online stuff (ex: runescape/neopets/webkinz accounts) accounts but I don't know how it works.

First of all, what's a middleman?

And do you HAVE to have a credit card? I mean, I'm only 13 and I'm only allowed to get a bank account.

Thirdly, how can I make sure I won't get scammed??

Lastly, how does Paypal work? Does the buyer who buys my stuff just gives the money to my bank account??

I just want to make sure I won't get scammed or something by someone who's experienced with PayPal. Thanks:)




  1. Well mabey you should ask you parents if your really only 13.

    But I will tell you if something is wrong with a product you buy the sellers account will be frozen and you will recieve you money back.

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