Also is there a difference in the color, or the nature of the tickets. The ones I usually would get if I did a traffic offense from a cop would be white, and it would say either traffic/parking/other offense.
I recently got a complaint for "reckless driving" that is in yellow and it says complaint summons on it.
How could I get charged for something,..which I wasn't even caught doing by a law enforcement official?
How could any random person walk in either alone or with a witness , complain to the cops or that municipal building, and end up issuing me a complaint, CHARGING me with a specific offense.
Isn't that the least bit insane?
It's a complaint, yet they put an official charge on it.
I'm not sure what the difference is between that, and if a cop were to have given it to me, or what is more credible.
So I can basically walk into any municipal building right now, tell them a licence plate number, claim that person did something wrong, and theyd get a court summons with a charge??