
What's a nervous breakdown? ?

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Is it possible that a 15 year old could have a nervous breakdown?




  1. itz when someone is a cry baby and is over dramatic and flips theyre wig.. but yeah it can happen to anyone..

  2. "Nervous breakdown" is a slang term with no literal meaning. People refer to "having a nervous breakdown" when they suffer enough psychological stress that they are incapacitated by it. They also use it loosely without being totally serious.

    The phrase probably goes back to Victorian times or earlier when "nerves" was synonymous with "mind". So, a "mental breakdown" is a slightly more precise way of phrasing it. It just entered popular slang and has stuck.

    So there is no "point" at which someone "breaks down" exactly. People can stop functioning normally over time as I said due to stress, often combined with mental illnesses like depression.

    I've suffered from clinical depression and had experiences you could call "breakdowns", but that's not a medical term, just a phrase.

    Children, adolescents and adults can all suffer crippling depression and other problems that cause them to cease functioning normally (i.e. not be able to get out of bed in the morning). So yes, a 15 year old could be incapacitated in what is meant by a "nervous breakdown," but what that person would hypothetically be experiencing is a mental illness like depression, usually treatable by a doctor and/or therapist.  

  3. yeah i have had them and im 15.  

  4. having one right now!

    its when u get ur pannys in a bundle

  5. Yes, it's possible to have a nervous breakdown at the age of fifteen. a nervous breakdown is when someone is filled with so many emotions from stress, anxiety, worry, anger, sadness, or a mixture of them that they start to go into hysterics and their body "breakdowns" from all the emotions it was carrying.

    People only declare you as sick if you have many, but it's not necessarily a good thing to have just one. It's not like an illness but a disorder that some have meaning that they are emotionally very fragile or overwhelmed by life.

    I hope that helped! :)

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