
What's a nice gift to get someone ...?

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...who has everything already ?

I mean they are independently wealthy and visiting from out-of-town.




  1. Something unique to your town, or something handmade.

  2. there a particular occasion?  Or is it simply because they're coming for a visit?

  3. Ralph Waldo Emerson on gifts:

    "If, at any time, it comes into my head that a present is due from me to somebody, I am puzzled what to give until the opportunity is gone. Flowers and fruits are always fit presents; flowers, because they are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world."

    You can see more about what he writes as good gifts at the source website.

    I believe he also talks about handmade gifts.

    Another excellent gift is time. Time doing something you're good at that he / she needs / wants / will enjoy.

    Of course you can always get some band shirts and merchandise at

    Everyone loves those.  ;)

  4. You should probably get them a new china set.

  5. Something locally produced would be pretty fun.  Is your town known for anything special?  If you're in the south, maybe some home-made salsa from the farmer's market, or home-made chocolates from the local candy factory.

  6. Food!  Everybody needs to eat.  Where I live, there's a local farm that makes this fantastic jam, and my region is also known for wine.  So make a little gift bag of jam and crackers and wine, a map of the area, and info on local sites of interest that they can visit.  

    If you can get the hotel staff to put it in their room before they get there, it would be a great surprise.

  7. what things are they into? The best bet for a gift for someone who has everything is a homemade one, like a gift basket, if they like sweets, load it up with cookies and chocolates, if they like movies, go to a store buy some cheap dvd's throw them in there with some pop and popcorn, if they like beer, go to the store buy all kinds of beer from different parts of the world, you get the idea! Good luck

  8. Make something for them. It'll be more meaningful. Find out what they like, make a cute basket or something and fill it with what they like. An example could be like, candy.

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