
What's a polite way to say I'm being micromanaged?

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I'm trying to put together a report for my team that I'm turning into my manager tomorrow. A lot of us feel micromanaged lately.

What's a polite way to write that without actually using the word "micromanaged"?




  1. At times we can get the same message across to someone in a negative way or in a positive way.

    To tell someone "not to.." or " don't ..." will probably be negative.

    Then you will probably get a negative response from them.

    Your words are not specific so it is hard for me to respond specifically.

    You might say something like the following, adjusted to fit your situation.

      - Hello Mr boss. I know you are busy so i would like to suggest another approach in how we work together. It will free up your time and I believe it will enable me (us) to be more effective.

       - If you can spare the time to give me (us) a description of what you want done and then let me (us) have a go at it (run with the ball).

      - I know you want the job done right. So if I (we) have any questions or concerns we will come directly to you.

      - Also, if you like,  we can report on progress, (daily, every few days, every week... whatever works.)

    So try a variation of this.

    No negative words.

    Try to point out the benefits for your independence.


    Success builds more success.

    s***w ups create micro-managing...

    Good luck

  2. first. will turning this report be a good thing.?  will it help things or make things worse..


    Instead of using the word micromanaged. try saying that you feel the best way to help the company would be to give each team mate control over what they do.  Or that having each team mate have authorization over there department and/or projects.  

  3. micromanaged would imply a problem with the manager.  So turn it around to how your team works independently.  

  4. Break the concept down.

    That is, if you're given a task you know how to do (which you've proven by doing that kind of thing before), then you don't need to be told every bit.

    What one needs is guidance and help WHEN they need it, not being told every little bit.

    Find a way of putting all this, in terms, not of an individual, but as "we" -- "We feel that we should be allowed to do our jobs." Put in lots of stuff about valuing support and help and guidance when needed.

    The idea is that when I'm fine, I don't need help.

    Sorry, this isn't really what you need, but I hope it helps.

  5. I wouldn't say anything like that at all. Do your job, report on your work, and if your team really feels like they are being micromanaged, then they need to step it up to the point where they are ahead of the person doing the micromanaging; thusly, making them


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