
What's a "top contributor"? How can I be one?

by Guest64285  |  earlier

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What's a "top contributor"? How can I be one?




  1. A "Top Contributer" is someone wo contributes the most answers.

  2. To be a Top Contributor you do not have to be on a certain level you just have to answer a lot of questions. You can receive it in three sections. You can go here and it will explain all about it. Hope this helps!!!


  3. You have to answer a number of questions in a particular category

  4. Practice, practice, practice.

  5. The more you answer in a particular category, and the more Best Answers you get (not the percentage) the more likely you are to get a "top contributor" badge next to your name, up to 3 categories. Levels, and points have nothing to do with it. I have it for answering in Yahoo 360 and Yahoo Answers categories, neither of which am I on the leaderboard, but I have been answering alot of questions in these categories recently. I do lead the category DIY and I do not have "top contributor" for that category, but I haven't answered much in that one for a while.  

    Here's the link to the latest blog entry from the A-Team explaining, in a little more detail, "Top Contributors".

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