
What's a rafidaah? Or a Rafidhee ?? ?

by  |  earlier

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Something like that anyway.

BTW, I was suspended coz I asked a question about dogs being haram (someone sure loves dogs out here!) so anyone who was my contact, please add me again.




  1. it's called for Shias  it means a rejecters

    because shias reject the sunnah of the prophet

    and they followed their 12 manmade imams instead.

    the right islamclly name for shias is rawafeedh

  2. we go again, watch now all the bashers come out when they see these questions..i find it funny, how they only come out when they see "rafidaah" or "wahabi" or "shia" etc lol...seriously its funny when u think about it, its like their just waiting for anyone to ask a question like that :P

    anyways it means rejectors.... they call the shia Muslims that name...,i think it sounds like a rapper's name :P

    yo yo yo big ups to ma main man Rafidaah

    @Mia: i know right! thats what i was thinking it even sounds like a rappers name in english.....Rejector hahahaha......thats a wicked name for a rapper :P

    @otherside: again u guys accuse me of things i didnt do, what do u keep on eye on me? i answer whatever the heck i wanna answer, go check on some of the fun questions and see if i didnt answer any, dont accuse me of anything ur not sure about, so stfu and mind ur own business

    and when did the Ahmedies "attack" Islam?? i know a couple on here and they are by far much repsectful than any you idiots, yeah go ahead think what u wanna think i dont give a S**t!

    and i never see you defending Islam when the Islam basher come barking in here, if u do answer them than thats great good for u, but maybe i didnt see u answer them, and maybe u didnt see me answer other ones either, if ur gonna accuse me, its just as easy for me to accuse you, dam u guys are so lame, everything always has to be an arguement with u guys and always have to ruin the fun we have here, lighten up man!

    LOL@Mia again, nice one :P

    awww, u guys are party poopers, why did u report Mia's answer?

  3. The word you are looking for is: Rafidi, 'to reject'.

    You can read the wikipedia article on it.

  4. Not rejecting muawiya (RA) and Yazid,But rejecting first three caliphs ,

    And rejecting the hadith and Giving Imam a rank ,who makes halal & haram

    @ Ali M-----,dont try to act smart all muslims know that u call abu bakr,Omar ,uthman and Ayesha (RA) ,bad names and kfir and iblees and even worse.

    Go read your authentic books ,and fatawas of your well known scholar

    @Pro active ! u only come out for these question ,where were u when Qadyanis attacking islam and muslims were defending them,


    Your authentic books says worse thing about our beloved Sahaba

    Your khomani said ,we will dig out two idols from the grave (Abu Bakr & Omar  (RA) Naozobillah

  5. sunnis call Shias,Rafidah. sunnis roar on net,BUT in reality they would run like a zebra before a Rafidah

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