
What's a really good, funny comedy book?

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I want an actual funny book - I don't mean a sort-of funny rom-com type thing, I want to read a really hilarious book.




  1. I though Matt Beaumont's E was really funny... some people didn't but it was very original too, fictional but all written in emails leading up to and after events.  Another good one is Jenny Eclair's first novel, can't remember what it was called but it made me LOL

  2. Don't drop the Coffin by Barry Albin -Dyer

    (memoirs of an Undertaker)hilarious !!!!

  3. Whether it's "really hilarious" or not is kind of a subjective thing - books that make other people laugh often leave me cold, and vice versa.

    Some books I've found laugh-out-loud funny:

    Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series

    Anything by Martin Millar (he writes comedies about lowlife characters - squatters, new age travellers etc)

    Anything by PG Wodehouse

    "Money", "Success" and "London Fields" by Martin Amis

    "A Long Way Down" and "How To Be Good" by Nick Hornby

    "Love In A Cold Climate" by Nancy Mitford

    "Decline and Fall" by Evelyn Waugh

  4. Swimming with the Fishes and Swimming without a net by MaryJanice Davidson

    The Finer Points of a Sausage Dog by Alexander McCall Smith

    Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips

    Sorting out Billy by Jo Brand

  5. Tom Sharpe is a quality writer. I recommend that you read Wilt. I defy you not to laugh out loud (as I did on the bus) when he tried to lose the blow-up doll.

  6. jeremy clarkson's books are quite funny for non-fiction and for fiction kathy lette  

  7. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.

    Bill Bryson's works.

    The Princess Bride by William Goldman.

  8. read one of jeremy clarkson's books  

  9. 'A Brief History of Tractors in The Ukraine' which sounds completely uninteresting.. is both hilarious and moving. try it!

  10. I liked Peter Kay's autobiography - he's pretty funny.

  11. terry pratchett books are good - discworld especially.

  12. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and its sequels, as others have said. If you're not particularly after fiction, I read Danny Wallace's "Join Me" recently and found that very entertaining.

  13. Argh!  oat345 beat me to it!

    I was going to recommend Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.  There are audiobooks of it too.  ^_^

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