
What's a really good astrology book to read?

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  1. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs - its a classic. A lot of people like The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need.The Secret Language of Birthdays is okay.

    But really what you are you looking for? Are you trying to learn how to cast your own chats? Or are you just into learning about sun signs and the basics?

    I love that some say that Linda Goodman is not a good source yet they list books like Love on a Rotten Day which is pretty much doing the same thing that Linda did, just talking about the 'dark side' of each sign. Linda was witty and poetic when she described each sign, many astrology books written after her took a page out of her book. She is not mindless or misleading. Her books were strictly about Sun signs and she described many almost to a T. Same with her Love Signs book. If you're just getting into astrology read Linda, and of course find some how to books so you can learn how to do charts and read them too.

    Born on a Rotten Day, Love on a Rotten Day, Friendships on a Rotten day those books also delves too deeply into one sign or one aspect too.

  2. I think Linda Goodman love and sun signs books are fun. She is pretty accurate I don't understand why so many people don't like her.  

  3. Black Love Signs by Thelma Balfour. Costs about $12

  4. go to borders or barnes and noble. you can read for free or sample books and then buy them. they have good selection and i go all the time personally.

    good books: born on a rotten day, love on a rotten day, friendships on a rotten day (any of the rotten day books!) they are hilarious, informative, unique, and easy to read and comprehend and remember.

    s*xual astrology, seduction by the stars. these are my favorites as they use humor to illustrate their points and are enjoyable to read as well as educational.

    steer clear of: linda goodman books, astrology for dummies, idiots guide, and any book that delves too deeply into one sign or one aspect. these books can be confusing, misleading, and take all the fun out of astrology for you.  

  5. I've said over a thousand times, "The Secret language of Birthdays".  

  6. Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer or

    The Art and Science of Vedic Astrology

    both by James T. Braha and available easily through stores like Amazon


    hahaha - why in the world would a simple answer like this get a thumbs down? O.o

  7. There are no good ones for the layman. Linda Goodman is an amateur whose simpleminded stuff misleads many people. Do not waste money or time on junk. I do not know about the others recommended, but I have doubts, shall we say?

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