
What's a reasonable budget to serve an appetizer and dinner to a crowd of 40 people?

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What's a reasonable budget to serve an appetizer and dinner to a crowd of 40 people?




  1. 55 to 75 dollars  

  2. Are you planning on catering the party or making the food yourself? There are so many ways to do a wonderful meal yourself for so much less than hiring it done.  

  3. $800 gets you 40 @ $20 a i would say anywhere from $1000 to $1500 also depends on where you are talking about having this there a group discount? is there a discount for ordering one specific thing? what are the needs of your guests? are they vegetarian? allergic to anything? are drinks included? any alcohol involved?

  4. An appetizer and dinner for 40 @ a min. of $ 25., would be $1000., that's about what we spent for a catered reception, plus drinks.

  5. It really does depend on what type of party. However, most at cost places such as Sams club & Costco have great pre-made appetizers that come in large packages. I once hosted a party and only spent about $100 bucks for over 100 people. They have mini Sushi and ravoli and all sorts of other wonderful mini ideas very cheap so invest in going to Sam's Club or someplace similiar.  

  6. you can expect to spend about 35 for the app. and 5 dollars a person for dinner

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