
What's a rough price for a window

by Guest65859  |  earlier

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I know this is a very difficult question to answer because the price will depends on the size, opening and material and I am sure other kind of criteria. Just purchased a flat and need to install new windows. I am trying to get an idea (a really rough price, even a price bracket) but everytime I looked on internet they never show any price and will only give a quote after measurement ect ect

Can you give a rough idea? Is it like £200, £2000 per window because I do not have a clue at all




  1. Of course it depends on size, whether you want leads etc.

    Any reputable company will give you a free quote.

    My partner worked in that trade for many years. If he went to price a whole house, windows and doors he was only there for about 20 minutes. If the customer wanted to ask a lot of questions then he would be there a bit longer. He never bothered anyone. It was totally up to the customer. If they wanted to buy then they phoned him.

    So the sales person should not be with you too long.

  2. They dont give prices because they dont have prices. they will try and get as much as possible from you.

    Go to a big B&Q and look in the window section. you can buy premade window frames and glass and they are between £50 and £200. That helps you then work out what they are ripping you off by when they quote for a job. I wouldnt pay more than about £300 per window fitted.

  3. i don't know how it is over there, but here in the US, you can get free estimates from most companies.   I paid $7500 for 14 regular sized top-of-the-line windows(old ones removed, new ones installed) earlier this year.  

  4. I presume you want uPVC windows?

    To give you a rough guide the supply and installation of 1 flat window would be about £350- the main cost of this being the installation. I would guess that your flat has approx 5-6 windows so a rough price for this would be approx £1800-£2200, the price would increase if windows are bow/bay of if you wanted leading or another decorative feature in the glass.

    I f you don't want a sales person to call at your house then i would suggest taking a rough measurement of the windows you want to replace and ringing up a local company for a quote. You dont have to be too accurate as if you accept the quote they should send out a surveyor to measure up before the installation. They will need to know: rough size for each window, colour of upvc (eg white, mahogany) wether you want them to open from the top/side/bottom and what kind of glass you want.

    I would suggest having someone come round as theres lots of options with windows that you may not know about- but definately use a local company and make sure they are FENSA registered.

    Hope this helps


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