
What's a simple recipe for 2-5 year olds for lemonade?

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It can't involve bioling sugar and can be made in a classroom





  2. Here are two options: one you can buy the Kool-Aid lemonade packets or and other company that sells them. Have your children add water and mix. That might not be as fun for them as making it from scratch. Another option: If you have a lemon squeezer, have your children use that to squeeze lemons. You might need a few of these, so maybe borrow from friends. (It's easier on their hands, and they feel involved!) They can add water according to glass size and sugar to taste.

  3. Hmm, yeah.  What I'd do, is have a finished product ready, and then show them how you made it.  A good way to do it is to use lemon juice or concentrate, instead of getting messy with squeezing lemons, but you can bring in a lemon to show where the juice came from.  Don't forget a little bit of sugar, which (with your help) they can add into their "fresh" mix.  put in some water, and let them stir it around.  

    The best thing is just to keep it simple, because really, that's all lemonade is....lemon, water, and a bit of sugar.

  4. I don't know what bioling is but if you use sugar, you get a couple lemons, some sugar, and water. Squeeze lemons into a cup and pour sugar into it. Mix the sugar and lemon juice together while pouring in water. I don't know if this works.

  5. go to wall mart, pick some lemonade mix.....its easy, prizzy...lemonade........mix

  6. I am assuming you meant boiling sugar?

    I recommend using either lemons (squeeze kids, squeeze!), water, honey, and wallah!

    For every three cups of water, use a cup of lemon juice, and honey to taste. You can use sugar in place of honey, but this is healthier.

  7. Water, lemon juice, honey, and ice. It's a lot healthier and it tastes great!

  8. That's difficult.  All you can really do is to squeeze lemons and add water.  You can also shake it a little, I guess.

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