
What's a stronger ticket? Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin?

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Please tell me "WHY" you think one is stronger over the other.




  1. mccain/palin. palin even has more experience than obama and he's at the top of a ticket so...obama/biden fails.

  2. McCain and Palin are not the answer. McCain may die and if he does Palin will take over the presidency. Not a good just. She should not set the standard for all girl presidents. And have you seen her view on issues. They aren't good.


    Pro death penalty

    Against same s*x marriage

    For drilling in ANWAR

    Wants to lower healthcare regulations

    Lifetime member of the NRA

    Obama and Biden are the answer. We need a break from Bush reign we need change.

  3. McCain-Palin=Experience


  4. Obama/Biden

    Just saying, if McCain were to die in office, Palin would become the President of the United States, and think about how little experience, both foreign and even governmental in general, she has.

    I also believe that Obama is better choice based on his speech on Friday night.

  5. The McCain/Palin is because the top of this one has the experience and knowledge to deal with foreign countries and the other knows about domestic problems.

    The Obama/Biden is very weak on foreign and not to good with domestic problems however the second on this knows about foreign and other items but when it comes to "change you can believe in" this side stays with those who have been in Washington D.C. longer than the top one from the other side.

  6. Obama/Biden.  They seem to be far more serious about changing this country for the better and helping to unite us as citizens. Obama's speech was very inspirational. He made me feel a love for this country again.

    'Cain and Paladin seem to be more about continueing the same Bush policies.  The only change 'Cain is about is surrounding himself with one more pretty face.  Not serious at all about the state of this country, just some rich man trying to put out some bait for more votes.  They are not inspirational to me at all.

  7. Obama/Biden is the stronger ticket.

    I bet Obama/Biden can bench at least 350 total...  McCain/Palin would be lucky to bench 150.

  8. Obama Binladen

  9. Def Obama. Why that is because Hillary clinton united the party so no about like 90% dems are gunna vote for Obama. McCain only picked Pailin becuase he thinks that that all the women are going to vote for him now. Women are not dumb okay Mr.McCain they are not going to fall for that.

  10. This election has already made history.Get past it already.Our nation needs a new direction,not more war,especially with energy.Obama/Biden

  11. McCain/Palin - They have experience at the top of the ticket.

  12. McCain/Palin is a stronger ticket why Obama/Biden  are both washington insider.

  13. McCain-Palin

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