
What's a superstition you think could really be true?

by Guest62838  |  earlier

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and why?




  1. Breaking a mirror and bad luck.

    If you are clumsy enough to smash a mirror on accident, you are likely clumsy enough to get yourself into lots of other trouble.

  2. what goes around comes around

    it proved itself. watch what you do. you'll see

  3. ...don't walk under a ladder...someone is working above and may drop a tool or anything to endanger YOU...

  4. UFO's, I swear I saw one last week at 530am. It was a green streak across the sky, level with the horizon, and moving faster than any plane or vehicle we have.  

  5. Astrology, but not as it is currently applied. Treat it like bio-rhythm and it begins to make sense.

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