
What's a troll? what is a troll?

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what is it i always see people saying the troll killer




  1. A Troll Is Someone Who Comes To Section And Asks And Answers Qustions Not On The Subject. Like Me The Troll Killer's Will KILL THEM!

  2. Here on Y!A a troll is a person who goes to any section and asks questions that are not even about that section, they also answer questions that have nothing to do with that section. Some also like reporting some of the good users just to get their accounts deleted.  

  3. Ohh i had them when i was a little kid

    there like little people with crazy hair

    i used to love them :)

  4. a troll on yahoo answers is someone who spends loads of time on here not trying to answer's questions right....trying to be funny(and failing) and posting stupid questions...

    also it can be someone who tracks all of one persons questions, or reports even the slightest of problems.....  

  5. anybody who post non suject related questions on here or tries to post links that harm other people.

  6. An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial and irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

  7. haha, i have no idea what it is. but yea, could u help me out:D;...

  8. A user who post non wrestling related q & a's..

  9. A troll means a kid.

  10. someone who asks off topic annoying questions

  11. A user who annyoing, reports everyone and asks stupid question and spams Y!A

  12. people whos soul purpose on y!a is to s***w with a particular section, asking innappropriate questions and whatnot.  

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