
What's a truth serum? What does it do?

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What's a truth serum? What does it do?




  1. its sodium pentathol, what it does is prevents someone from the ability to lie.  We use a different part of the brain to remember stories that happened(memories0, and the other part creates.  While Im not possitive on this i would assume it slows down your creative center

  2. Sodium Penathal....according to Jack Bauer  

  3. they is are liars all of those no two faces. i am going to throw myself from bridge to land on their camel faces

  4. It's also known by it's scientific name "Vanilla Vodka", and it goes down smoothe and reminds one of the saying, "in vino veritas"

  5. Apparently its a liquid injected through a syringe that makes you tell the truth. And maybe even more than that. aka secrets too...  

  6. The idea of a 'truth serum' is a drug that removes inhibitions so someone says things they're trying to hide.  I don't know if they ever really worked or are just the stuff of cold-war spy novels.   As the other guy says, alcohol is in that category.

    Long boring personal story:  I had my wisdom teeth out years ago and I was given sodium pentathol as a general anesthetic.  The oral surgeon told me that this drug was used as a 'truth serum' back in WWII, and he told me (half jokingly) if I had any secrets from him he wouldn't ask me any questions.  When I woke up from the anesthetic I had no idea where I was or who I was or why I was lying on a table with my mouth stuffed full of cotton and gauze.  My dad was leaning over me and asked me how I felt, and I thought 'Hey, that guy looks familiar.  Do I know him from somewhere?'

    They got me into the car and took me home and by the time we got home, about 45 minutes later, I was just beginning to remember.  After a couple of hours I was completely back to normal.  But it was very upsetting and scary while it lasted.

    So I wondered how good the drug could work as a truth serum if it makes you forget everything you ever knew!  8^O

  7. Gets the truth out of habitual liars like Casey Anthony.

  8. I had it once for a surgery to relieve syndactl on my right hand.  It burns every time your heart pumps, and then knocks you out.  During the time when youre out you are unable to lie about anything.

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