
What's a word for......?

by  |  earlier

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What's a word for "few words" or lacking in words, something along those lines, kind of a word for someone if they were pretty much only giving one word responses.. I know the word for it, but I just can't remember..




  1. succinct


  2. cryptic



  3. This is actually quite a complex question - because there are a few words for what you're after - and it really depends on the context as to which one you use.

    Words that are used in a good context (i.e. the person can express something comprehensively in only a few words):

    - concise (giving a lot of information clearly and in few words)

    - succinct (brief and clearly expressed)

    - lapidary (elegant and concise, suitable for engraving on stone)

    - compendious (representing facts in a comprehensive but thorough way)

    Words that can be used in a good or a bad context:

    - laconic (can mean using few words, but can also mean terse - see below)

    - terse (can mean using few words, but can also mean being a bit abrupt and brief nearly to the point of rudeness/harshness)

    - taciturn (reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little)

    - elliptical (omitting words from speech or writing, often to the extent that the speech/writing is difficult to understand)

    Words that would be used in a bad context (e.g. someone who gives short, uninformative responses in only a few words):

    - monosyllabic (can mean literally consisting of one syllable OR

    using brief words to signify reluctance to engage in conversation)

    - curt (rudely brief)

    So to answer your original question, I think that the most accurate would be "monosyllabic" - as this is often used to describe one-worded answers.

    Hope this helps/is of some interest!

  4. deficient  

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