
What's a yahoo 360?

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I hear it all the time, it'd seem cool to have one. But is it like a chat room, a myspace, a facebook, or is something TOTALLY different. Free 10 points to whoever answers first, best, and right.




  1. 360 allows u to better express yourself online -- create a journal or blog, share reviews, photos, music & video, lists, customized ur own theme and more. It's a great way to stay in touch with family and friends online (or meet new ones).

    goodluck ^_^

  2. Yahoo 360 is Yahoo's version of My Space. It is being terminated later this year. It is not clear what the replacement will be. There is a new site called MASH and a new profile system being developed.

    Yahoo 360 is at

  3. it is like myspace!you can make your own pae,and find friends and have a lot of fun there!

    just go to the and enter your yahoo ID and password and enjoy it!

  4. UPDATE: Yahoo! 360 spaces are for people age 13 and up (as is Yahoo! Answers). See for more information about safety on 360.


    It's like MySpace and Facebook. They are social networking services and so is Yahoo! 360. Technically, if you have a Yahoo ID, then you already have 360. It's one of Yahoo's free services that involves social networking and combines many Yahoo! services into one area.  It stays dormant until you activate it. Check out an old press release that explains "What is Yahoo! 360?": . Many people are using 360 now to find and meet new people.

    While logged into a yahoo service (mail, answers, whatever), type in your web browser's address field (or just type 360 in a Yahoo! toolbar). Start creating your 360 space from there. Click the BIG YELLOW "Get Started" BUTTON on the far right section of that page.

    ////You should be able to do the following to get into your 360 space, when you've activated your 360:

    - LOG OUT of all Yahoo services

    - Go to

    - Click the teeny tiny "Sign-in" link on the upper left of the page. After signing in, the page refreshes and you should click on the teeny tiny "Yahoo 360 Home" link on the upper right of the page to get into the 360 space.////

    For more details on how to set up elements of your 360 space, see . Another resource is to click on my avatar and check out "Starred Questions". The service will move to a different system in the 2nd half of 2008. You can read more details about that in earlier blog entries from the Y!360 team here ( ).

    NOTE: Some features are not available to users under age 18 for safety reasons.
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