
What's all this obsession with feminism? Would someone please give me a serious and meaningful definition?

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To Tracy M - I wasn't using the word obsession to describe feminism. I was using it in the context that many men in this forum are constantly asking snide questions about it, knocking it, criticizing, etc. So I was wondering why they were so obsessed.




  1. Love that quote Mudkip!

    Basically feminism is the believe that men and women are equal, we may have our differences but thats no reason to treat one better then the other.  That gender roles are made by society, not by gender.  That men and women should be equal to make there own choices in life, especially with marriage, work and kids.

    Feminism is the force that got women in the US, UK, Canada etc(other develop countries) the right to vote, drive, got to college and get a real degree, the right for equal pay for equal work, sexual lib, etc etc...

    Currently there are still countries in this world where the women are not people, they are property.  To be bought and sold, killed, and abused...just b/c the man who owns her wishes it so.  They have no rights, and are only feed a little better then cattle.   Hence my "obsession" with feminism.

  2. "Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings."

    --Cheris Kramerae

  3. Feminism is the belief that women can get and do all that men can. Why do you say 'obsession'? like its a disorder? It's a healthy mindset !!

  4. the narcissism, the narrow minded PC nonsense, the victim hood, the organised crying of rape, the biased laws, the slandering of men, the denial of any wrong doing, the entitlement beliefs... and so on it goes.

    this is what irks me anyway.

  5. To begin with I'm an Anti-Feminist woman.  Here is how I look at it.  It's how Feminists credit so much into one word -  Feminism.  For example once this female anti-feminist stated that she believes women are human-beings; in response this feminist said "....Being anti-feminist means rejecting the notion that women are human beings; accepting that women are human beings IS being a feminist..." This same woman, also said.  "I have no use whatsoever for feminism..."One feminist in response asked why she would feel that way; saying that she also hopes the woman will remember what Feminism has done for her.  Still, another came alone and said."It's a pity that she doesn't open her eyes...she and women like her are a huge part of the isn't just men who "oppress" women it's the women, our mothers, our sisters, our friends. Who define what we can and cant do, and by doing so suppress our minds, corrupt our thinking and lower our self esteem!"  It's a matter of their own obsession in one single word - Feminism.  One such person said that "it's the radical notion that women are human-beings;" to which I easily respond with of course women are human-beings; that's a given fact when we look in the mirror.  Why should it change?  It changes when people convince themselves otherwise; after having convinced themselves otherwise they went searching for a solution labeling it Feminism; when in truth all they had to do was to change their way of thinking on how they viewed themselves.

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