
What's all this talk about Obama being mean to Hilary?

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What's all this talk about Obama mistreating HIllary and a lot of people are mad at him for it?

What did he do or say? Is he sexist?




  1. He called her Annie Oakley because she knew how to shoot a gun.

  2. it's true

    Vote Mccain/Palin 2008

  3. Hillary was robbed by Obama  

  4. He did nothin to insult Hillary !

    OBAMA '08 !

  5. doesn't exist

    Republican propaganda

    they are trying to start a division in the Democratic party...

    sleazy politics.

  6. He won the election, that's how he was mean.  People think he "scorned" her by not asking her to be his VP.  Ever since she stepped down from the race, he has been nothing but gracious and complimentary of her.  This talk of Obama "stealing" the election is BS.  He won based on the rules of the election, and people really need to get over it.  Hillary supporters should ask if you really want McCain, who is the ideological OPPOSITE of you, and who clearly chose his VP not based on qualifications, but to try and pander to you.  Palin is also the complete ideological opposite as well.  Clinton is not out of the picture, and she has Obama's ear.  He will listen to and work with her to help push her policies forward as well.  

  7. It isn't true.

  8. Judging by both of the Presidential candidates behaviors i'd say Mccain and not Obama is the one that is sexist.  He even reccomended that his own wife enter the buffalo chip contest.

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