
What's allowed to be brought on the plane?

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I'm flying with my 9 yo grandson on Tuesday. SeaTac to Salt Lake City, Utah then 2 hour layover then SLC to SLO, Cali. I'm mostly worried about the layover. Any suggestions on what to bring. Oh, he's a calm, quiet child at least! :-) Will I need his birth certificate? If so, would a photocopy be okay or do I have to have a copy from City Records? What about a permission slip from his legal guardian? He's living with his mom now, but his Great-Grandma on his mom's side actually is his legal guardian, so would it be okay just from his mom? Or do I have to have a permission signed by both? Since he's only 9, he doesn't have any legal id, that's why I'm asking about his birth certificate. I'm hoping that will be considered legal id.




  1. You don't need his Birth Certificate, or a permission slip. That'll be fine. They might ask if you look too old to be his mom. So you might want to bring the stuff. He could bring an ipod, Nintendo DS, a coloring book, anything quiet really. You might want to have about $5 on hand, because some airlines are now charging for snacks.

    God Bless,


  2. Call the airline and see what you need to be sure you have what you need!

    You can't take any liquids or gels over 3 ounces, There are limits and exceptions (like baby food and formula). I go flying without any of that kind of stuff though to avoid the hassle. Books and electronic devices are fine. The liquids need to be placed in a clear plastic bag. I believe you are allowed one 1 litre bag.

  3. Children do not need I.D. to fly within the U.S. and you do not need a letter of permission for  your grandson to travel with you.  Those are needed only for international travel.  See site below to see that only people 18 and over must show I.D.

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