
What's an Abi party in germany?

by Guest63152  |  earlier

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I was recently invited to an abi party - but i have no idea what it is!!




  1. Supporting Alwin here, don´t confuse any Abi-Party with a prom!! The German equivalent of that would be the German Abiball, as has been pointed out.

    Abi-Parties include loud music, alcohol and LOTS of singing, dancing and fun. No dress code, no formalities. As an American, don´t expect anything along the lines of Spring Break excessiveness, though, even though youngsters jump and sing and drink, it gets nowhere near anything like that.

    Fun all the way, you definitely need to go!

  2. Sort of like the prom here in the US.

  3. It's a graduation party. Looks like fun! Germans will celebrate the Abifeier or "Abi Parties" after graduating from the Gymnasium, and many as well an "Abi Ball" (which means Graduation Ball/Dance). The final exam in the Gymnasium is the Abitur and contributes the first half of the name "Abi Feier". A Feier is a party or more formal festivity. Although informal, private graduation parties have always been popular in Germany. The "Abi Ball" which is pretty common is a more formal festivity with all of the graduates of one school, ball room dances and later in the evening disco dancing with (in most cases) a live band, and eventually some program set up by the graduates (honoring the most liked teachers, playing skits, male balletts etc). Alcohol is normally served at all these occassions since German kids graduate with 18-20 years (after 13 years of school in the school type Gmynasium - there are other school types where kids graduate earlier) and alcohol is socially accepted in Germany.

  4. Abi is short for Abitur which is a huge exam before students graduate from Gymnasium, people celebrate afterward because it takes a lot of preparation and work.

  5. I made my German Abi in 13th grade, which was the regular time of education to graduate for university then, and maybe I should take a little excursion into what the Abi (short version for "Abitur") is. It gives you the right to study, and you're usually 18 or 19 at that time. Now you must know that the legal age for driving a car and the legal age for drinking strong liquor are both 18 in Germany; and the both don't necessarily go together well. But that's another topic.

    The "Abi-Ball" usually is the formal version where young men wear suits, young girls wear dresses, and all the parents and teachers are there. You try to behave well, but as soon as the bar opens up, it can be a bit chaotic. But only a bit.

    And then there are the "Abi-Parties". They are organized by the students or groups of students themselves and are, well: rather informal meetings. Depending on the size of the school and the courses you took, and the strength of your stomach and liver, you may well succeed in participating in more than one of them. -- So when they talk about an "Abi PARTY", expect it to be just like a party you're used to, but maybe a bit overjoyous and, depending on the people who join, extreme.

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