
What's an alternative for jogging in the winter?

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I jog every day now, but I'll probably get sick if I go jogging in the winter. Not to mention that I'll lose a lot of air because of the sharp winds. Is there any indoor cardio exercise I can do? Perhaps jumping jacks? Help please, thanks =D




  1. You can jog in place which is still good for you. If you do jog outside during warm weather try to jog on grass because according to what a lady told me, if you jog on hard ground your more likely to develop arthritis. Inside try to find something that will be softer than your floor to jog in place on.

  2. Jumping rope is what I do. But if you don't have enough space, jumping jacks will work. Jumping on a mini-trampoline is fun too.

    Please see my blog for more fitness tips:  

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