
What's an average day for you?

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just trying to gain some perspective on the average day of other people. how often do you see friends? family? are you happy? lonely? depressed? what do you enjoy? what do you do on your days off? what makes you feel worse?





  1. I get up, and let the Schnauzer out. Make coffee. Go to bathroom. Turn on computer. Make more coffee. Eat. Get mail. Shower. Go to work. Come home. Turn on computer. Go to bed.

    Weekends, it's whatever. Road trips, goof off, whatever.

  2. Get up around 7 am. cook breakfast, clean kitchen. Wash laundry, sweep floors, make beds, more laundry, snack time, more laundry... LOL. Fix lunch, clean kitchen, plan dinner, wash dishes, clean more, get ready for dinner, cook again, clean kitchen again, more laundry, Finally go to bed. Mostly happy, sometimes would like to have more adult conversation. Days off???? What are those!!!  

  3. sleep get up eat. fun isnt it

    when i see my friends- 2 times a month

    family- i live with them so everyday

    happy- sometimes

    lonely- very much so

    depressed- oh ya

    enjoy- cooking playing games doing something

    days off- sleep

    feel worse- being alone

    you ?

    i hope i helped you so can you please help me

  4. Right now I've just finished college and still only have a part time job - so my days aren't really too interesting at the mo!

    A normal working day, would be waking up at my boyfriends late, we always wake up late!  Taking the dog out for a quick run, brushing my teeth quickly, getting dressed and then running out to work  for 9 o clock (we work about a hundred yards away) there we'll do some gardening usually, but sometimes we'd do plastering, painting, odd jobs like that.  That's for three hours, then we both go back I usually take the dog out for a hunt for about half hour, forty five minutes, then I come and spend about an hour in the workshop, where I'm usually just sitting on the workbench eating ice cream and watching my boyfriend make something or fix something.

    Then we'll have a shower, and often go back to bed for an hour or so.  Then we'll make a spot of lunch and watch a dvd together, and I go back to my parents for dinner.

    That's about it really - ah the student life for me!

    We see friends, maybe once a fortnight, though we occasionally go for blitzes where we see the same people about three times a week for a whole month and then don't hear from them again for months on end.  But mostly its just me and my boyfriend.

    I see family all the time, my parents about three times a week, my brother about twice a week, grandparents once a week - I'm pretty close to my family.

    I'm very happy thank you.  I'm not lonely, (I am at the mo because I'm home alone, but not in general)  I'm not depressed.

    I enjoy being outside, just walking about with the dog really.  Thats what I do on my days off - as well as being on here of course.

    I don't know what makes me feel worse, being bored I guess.

  5. ooh, I enjoy this question very much... yes...

    Well, I'll try to be as honest as possible here.

    -I live with my best friend and my teacup Chihuahua, my best friend gets home about 1030p and we stay up and talk/whatnot until about 12a.

    -I toss and turn for hours and hours and either get about 2 hours of sleep or I pass out and sleep for about 10.

    -Today I woke up at 1p and was upset because someone had turned off the air conditioner, so I went downstairs and got a glass of water and turned on the air again.

    -I checked my email/talked to my friend from Europe online/read gossip/watched movies online for several hours.

    Most days I check my email and try and keep up with Hollywood gossip while listening to music all day long.

    On days when I'm working from the time I wake up to the time I try and sleep I'm in the studio writing, producing and recording music.

    I am terribly depressed. I have a dependency on perscription medications, I have an eating disorder, anxiety disorder, etc, etc... Every day I wake up and pretend that my day will be different, but it's still the same. I still lock my bedroom door though I'm the only one in the house, I still have my watch dog to guard me... I wish I had more friends... I have so many people that constantly surround me, that fluff me and fill my head with nonsense about how I'm the next big thing, that I'm bigger than [insert starlet here], but those are just words, really I have a very secluded life, I don't particularly like the limelight, I prefer to just stay at home and watch movies - but it does get incredibly lonely.

    People may percieve my life as glamorous, which is fine, I would prefer them to, but it's not whatsoever.


  6. My average Day

    Wake up, go to work, come home, relax for a bit, Figure out dinner, Then my roommate, and my boyfriend come home, sometimes we all just hang out and watch some tv, then its usually time for bed.

    When School starts i will be going to school after work

    On my weekends My boyfriend and i either have something planned to do, or usually we just stay at home, relaxing.

    I dont really see my friends very often, except for my roommate and my boyfriend.

    I see my family about once a week or so.

  7. I work three days a week ( M, W, F) as an office assitant. On my days off I like to visit my mom (she doesnt work so shes always home).  I just moved into a new house and got a kitten, so I love playing with her. She makes me happy. I have anxiety issues, so sometimes in public I get bitchy and Im not that fun to be around. But watercoloring helps me calm down a bit when I feel panicky.  Im not depressed, but I think my boyfriend might be and I worry about him sometimes so that consumes some of brain. I dont have friends really...I have a couple close ones that have boyfriends, and their boyfriends come before I guess theyre not really my friends. So im kinda lonely. but i have my family and i know theyre always there for me, so im constantly texting my mom and brother! like seriously, non stop. ok thats not even answering your question anymore, im just talking to myself. sorry.

  8. > wake up and get to work about 10 minutes late everyday

    > get home and watch tv

    > see my friends maybe like 2-3 times a week

    > live w/ my family so everyday unfortunately

    > kinda happy.... could be a little happier

    > moderately lonely but not bad

    > i wouldn't say depressed.... i have my ups and downs

    > enjoy hanging out w/ close friends and drinking occasionally

    > on days off, watch tv... sleep late... etc.

    > i hate when ppl dont recognize me but i do them....

        ....that **** aint cool.

  9. Well this summer I was laid off, so it's not my "normal" working life.  

    Basically I wake up around 9 a.m. and feed my cat.  Then I walk downstairs and have a bowl of cereal while I check my email, ebay, my blog, and celebrity news.  Sometimes I watch Oprah if I like the topic.

    I then proceed to waste about 5 hours of the afternoon tooling around on the internet, reading, shopping, or watching stupid tv.

    Around 4:30 pm my bf gets off of work so he'll call me.  

    Every other night I hang out with my boyfriend.  On nights I don't see him, I hang out with my friends, or I just stay in and watch movies from 2003 on TBS, or whatever stupid movies are on.

    I start a new 8-5 job in two weeks so this routine will change.  But it still probably won't be all that snazzy and glamourous.

    I'm fairly happy.  I definitely feel blessed to have a good family, great boyfriend, and sweet cat.  I wouldn't say I'm lonely, but sometimes I wish I had more close female friends.

    I enjoy school and would like to go back and get a graduate degree.  I haven't enjoyed corporate america very much.

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